The Grand Tour: Finale—Los Angeles-Oct 4-8

Fourteen and a half hours in the air is some kind of torture!! Florence to Frankfurt to LAX…never again! But I’m here and I’m with my family which makes it all worth while! My son Jesse, daughter-in-law Marthe and two gorgeous granddaughters Franny and Dot!

My jet lag has turned me into a slug but I have fun helping Franny create a book of her life on my iPad … she is amazing!

I have not much more to tell you since what I think is the worst jet lag ever is incapacitating me but I enjoy this family time from my seat on the couch.

Then the bomb lands. I test positive for Covid and go through a night of pain, the worst of which is the thought that I may have exposed my loved ones.

There’s no image for this…be grateful!

This is not the ending I pictured for my once in a lifetime Grand Tour but what can you do?? Sometimes life throws you flowers and sometimes it’s a bag of dog poo.

Home now…taking care of myself…hoping this won’t last too long. I am so grateful on this Thanksgiving Day for my life so far—-the warmth, the surprises, the new adventures, the old familiar places and faces of friends—-I am so so glad I decided to do this Grand Tour—I’m sure the reverberations of all that happened will continue for some time and I’ll be blessed with new insight.

Thanks for coming along with me! I’ve loved getting your comments. Stay healthy and leave a little room for the unexpected:)


2023: The Year-Long Birthday


The Grand Tour: Sept30-Oct4–Italia!